The Science of a Data Scientist

Learn by Writing
3 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

The sophistication of technology that is increasingly and continues to develop makes us directly or indirectly acquainted with many new things. We begin to adapt to technology, how to use it, the output of technological sophistication, and so on. This is felt and has an impact on individuals and affects large companies, one of which is in the data processing section. Processing extensive data requires data science. Even now, many people are starting to learn self-taught data science.

To become a Data Scientist is certainly not instant. Data scientists must master several skills first. Data Scientist is a profession in the data field that is being sought after by companies today. Data Scientist is tasked with processing data, including collecting, processing, and analyzing data. Then the data is presented in an attractive form and submitted to related parties in the company. This is why many companies need data scientists because their duties are influential in a company’s business. As we know, data in the industrial revolution 4.0 is an essential component in the industry.

Below is some basic knowledge to become a data scientist:


Mathematics is the study of numbers and operations on numbers. Mathematics has many branches of science: calculus, linear algebra, geometry, statistics, and many others. Mathematics can collaborate with various fields of science such as physics chemistry, and one of them is data science. In addition to mathematics, statistics also play a vital role in the world of data. We are required to understand basic statistics first, but in its application, mathematics and statistics go hand in hand.


The following basic science of data science is recognizing and understanding programming languages, especially data processing. We must realize programming or coding skills at least at a basic level. This programming process will give instructions or commands to a computer device to carry out the analysis process up to the visualization process. In general, a data scientist understands one programming language and is accompanied by other supporting programming languages.


Machine learning is one of the technological branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is quite interesting. Machine learning is a learning machine that can learn data and perform specific tasks. Machine Learning has three algorithms: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep learning. We will use this machine learning algorithm later to solve solutions for the data that we will analyze according to the purpose of processing the data.


Certain businesses or companies now need data science in the era of digital transformation. Therefore, understanding business is one of the basic sciences required in data science. Data science is applied in the company’s data analysis process. By understanding the related business, we can quickly implement it in our analysis process. In addition, we also need to understand the science of data visualization, which we will use after the data analysis process has been completed, so that the delivery of analysis results can be easily understood and accepted by related parties.

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Learn by Writing

Science is the game animal and writing is the rope. Tie your prey animal with a strong rope. It is foolish if you hunt animals, after that you just let them go.